Friday, December 2, 2011

Pulling Out Your Phone More Than Your Wallet

Don't Let A Slip Get You Down...Learn From It

So I caved and I did check facebook this week. I played Car Town. I won't start making excuses about how it's hard because they even advertise in Cad and Driver now. Ultimately the game is a time waster. So instead of just feeling guilty, I asked myself why I felt bad. First, identify the reason.
-I went on facebook because I was waiting to get picked up, and it is a short activity.
Identify the need
-I went on facebook during this time because I was curious about what was going on
-I wanted to play car town
Identify why you feel guilty about this
-I didn't want to go on facebook again
-I could have done something else better
So what could you have done differently?
-I could have picked up the guitar and played a bit instead

Nice. Ultimately I feel guilty because I could have picked up the guitar, and I caved and went on facebook instead. There's more to it. When I go on facebook instead of play guitar, I am denying skills I have worked for 15 or 16 years to hone. I am also denying all the instruments I've spent a lot of money and time on. But I learned from it. Next time I have that brief period where I'm thinking, "well I have a few minutes, what should I do?" I'll remember...there are my guitars right in the next room that don't get used a lot; and they really should.

Pulling Out Your Phone More Than Your Wallet
I thought this was an anecdote worth sharing. I was at Subway today to pick up lunch. Every casual Friday I go pick up lunch at Subway. It's my treat for busting my ass all week (depends what week it is, some weeks I bust my ass hard, and some my ass is relatively comfortable). I don't really drink coffee, and I eat out occasionally, but not frequently, so I think I can excuse the Subway.

Basically what I saw with people in line, was that more people were holding their smart-phones than they had their wallets. Essentially, most individuals couldn't spend more than a few minutes without pulling out their phones; the woman in front of me constantly on her blackberry messenger. 

Facebook, as well as smart-phones, are part of this idea that we can't stop being connected. Aside from the smart-phone being an adult pacifier, with its apps and games and whatnot, it is also another way to connect to social networking to make yourself available to people 24/7. 

Whatever happened to just being alone with your thoughts for a few minutes? Are we scared of that? I wonder how many men whip out their phone on the can rather than take a paper or a good book to read to the washroom with them.


Saturday, November 26, 2011

What would Saturday Afternoon be like without Facebook? - Managing your 'Down Time'

Saturday Afternoon Without Facebook - You Have Free Time...What To Do?

Whilst Sarah is out being tutled (ie with her stats tutor), I have two choices for the remainder of the afternoon. I can take a nap, or I can play Gran Turismo 5.

Really, not everything you do will necessarily be productive outside of facebook, but it certainly gives you options. Today was fantastic. We went grocery shopping in the morning, made breakfast, and then I went off to recommit myself to my band Aperture. No one thinks about facebook while their jamming, this is a fact. Unfortunately, because I haven't quite signed off of facebook yet, when I got home, I absolutely had to check this thread in which someone threatened me over my sociopolitical opinion on a photo he posted. Threatened with violence? Why yes. That's right, this was an adult conversation. Hence future involvement of actual law authorities. Think about how outside of facebook, this isn't a problem.This guy is a friend's brother, and even my friend doesn't know how dangerous this certain individual is. I don't mean dangerous like Hell's Angels dangerous. I mean dangerous like writing a 1700 page manifesto and then shooting people in Oslo. This isn't the kind of problem that comes up in real life. Back before facebook, you would be having a sociopolitical conversation only with any other individual in person. If that person decided they didn't like that you were challenging their views, they could take a swing at you. You could fight 'em, or call the cops. I'm 28, and sure, over facebook, I could invite him down for a good ol' fashion face pummeling. But that's not what an adult does. Hence, call the cops. But generally, we're assuming you would know the person you're talking to, because the people you hang out and talk to outside of facebook are actually your friends and people you know in person such that you know if they are actually a threat to you or not. I have many friends I know in person that express "extremist" political views, and I'm not trying to insult their views by calling them "extremist" - they are alternative political views, but many interpret these as extremist. They definitely like to defend these views, as anyone passionate about their politics would. But I know these people. I know if they said they'd take a swing at me for something I said, we could talk it out, and go home friends at the end of the day. And if they took a swing at me, no harm, no foul. I know them. I know that's all it is. I don't need to wonder if they're going to start stalking me. This thread really shows two things

  • 1) It is a complete waste of time for me to think about this person, and to have gotten involved in his discussion about comparing Obama to Hitler and
  • 2) Facebook is full of one off relationships like that...aquaintences, met-onces, friends-of-friends who could also be aquaintences and met-onces of those friends or peculiar relatives. People you don't know. Possible hazards in your life. 

When facebook is gone, I can engage in sociopolitical conversations with my friends who I know aren't going to go crazy if I disagree with them to the point of threatening violence.

Anyway, no facebook also is kind of strange. Because at first, quitting is like, you open up your computer, and you want to go on facebook. But you have no facebook. So instead, you're kind of lost. I searched 'tired' in google, and came up with this:

Who is 'us' in this scenario?

This is the first problem you'll encounter when quitting facebook, especially if you used it all the time like I did.

Managing Down Time

So you have some down-time, we all do on the weekend. And like I said, I could play Gran Turismo, or I could sleep. Ultimately though, without facebook, I can take more time to do either of those things. Sure, they aren't productive as, say, working on music with your bandmates (but you can't do that all the time unless 4 other guys live with you), and we all appreciate our rec time, and sometimes just engaging in lazy activities. Usually I'd spend some time on facebook not really doing anything before I'd do any down-time activity. Now I can forego that. So I either have more time to sleep, or more time to play GT5. Perhaps, I can get in a little of both with the time I'm saving. Either way, I think I come out ahead. Even my down time productivity is increased.


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Introducing....Life Without Facebook

The following are the final posts of Ryan and myself as we have decided that life without facebook could indeed be better.... This blog was created to show the masses that life can occur outside of status updates and make believe farming games. Through the next year (and possibly more) we are going to blog about our experiences/trips/adventures of life- without the need for FB.


*Please Note*

Effective November 27th, 2011 I will be signing off of facebook and deactivating my account. After a long discussion with some very close friends, I have come to the realization that facebook was starting to take over my life and my ability to actively be a good friend. I have been thinking about this for a while, and I no longer feel the need to look up how someone is doing or wha...t is new with them by just going on FB. I would rather spend time with them in person or even on the phone. Facebook is starting to become the demise of our society and thus effecting how we communicate with each other. I'm not stating technology is bad, I feel there are more effective ways that I can use it. I feel there is too much I am missing out on by not spending time with the people that matter most, that being said, you can still contact me by phone/ text 780-236-2731, or by email and I will write you back even though I have a long history of not doing that. Also stay tuned for a URL of Ryan and Mine's new blog.

Love you all, and take care.


After discussing it with a few close friends, we have generally decided that social networking has become quite parasitic. This website is a waste of time to me, and serves no real purpose in my life. Therefore, I'm suspending my account. For those of you that need to get a hold of me, you have my number.
- Ryan