Monday, February 20, 2012

Post Valentines, Pre Lent Life in General, and photo madness!

With March on the Horizon, there is much to prepare for in the upcoming spring!

Valentine's Day is most commonly known as a day to shower each other with gifts and love. But why not have that everyday. Possibly not the gifts part, as this can be pricey, but more giving the love. There is not enough love in this world, and on that note, I would like to extend my I love you out to my Soul Mate.

Often times, people are only celebrated on special occasions such as birthdays, weddings ect. I want you to know that I celebrate you everyday. 

Isn't he a hunk?

The Saturday prior to V-day, we set out to Lion's Breath Yoga for a couples class in Acro Yoga technique...what is acro yoga you ask?
~AcroYoga blends the spiritual wisdom of yoga, the loving kindness of Thai massage, and the dynamic power of Acrobatics. These three ancient lineages form this practice that cultivates trust, connection and playfulness~
Definitely something we are going to keep doing. As both beginners within acro, we started at the same ground level of expertise- this is very important for two alphas :) I completely recommend this class for you lovebirds out there as it not only is something active, but good for the spirit.

We went to the Harvest room at the Hotel MacDonald later that evening for an AMAZING dinner. Of course, who goes to the Hotel Mac and does not explore???? We found a pretty amazing photo opportunity in the upstairs area while looking at different parties to crash (after all it was a Saturday).
Two Star Crossed Lovers
Pre Lent Preparation....
With the weekend almost over, I would have to say I've thoroughly enjoyed it. In order to prepare for the 40 day challenge of having no processed foods or alcohol (except for the odd glass of red), both Friday and Saturday were full of lots of wine, spirits and mini eggs. Although completely rewarding and indulgent, I can't believe there are people out there that follow this lifestyle all the time. I am paying for this in more ways than one and my body is ready to get back on track. 
I decided to start off with doing the 12 day wild rose cleanse in order to detoxify. The Wild Rose Cleanse is a herbal supplemented 12 day cleanse that requires you to go without any flours, mushrooms, peanuts and soya sauce specifically, and everything else that is bad for you. The kit is not that expensive, and you can get it from most grocery stores or health food stores. I've done this cleanse before, I know what I'm up against. The first 3 days are the hardest, as  your body works to clean out all the processed gunk that sticks around in your colon. Your skin becomes more oily, and some breakouts are expected. The nastiness clears around day 4, I generally feel leaner, tighter, and my skin actually glows!

As for the physical component: I haven't been completely strict with my workouts, but I have excelled in the yoga. Yoga is going to increase from 1-2 days and weights will continue 2-3 days per week as well as the occasional jont in the river valley (weather permitting). 

What to expect in March's Blog
1. DIY
2. Music Compilation
3. Recipes
4. Photo's!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

February Schmebuary.....

I would first like to extend my hello's to the three people who read this blog- Hello.
Moving on....

So January is finally over. I consider it the longest month of the year, as it starts of fresh with all the good intentions made whilst drunk on how you are going to improve yourself in the new year. However, all is not lost. We're coming into the middle of February already and I feel we're making headway into our resolutions just fine.
Like :
1. Being off of Facebook and what I am doing with my time instead.
2. Completely submerging myself into Yoga and Running.
3. Reflecting on my relationships with people and helping to mend broken hearts.
4. Getting farther away from the idea of "Weddings" in relation to the day and not the sacrement.
5. Settin up for Lent.

numero uno
Life without Facebook is, like I've stated before, not much different. Although I feel its not as easy to creep on what my friends are doing at any given time, time spent with my friends in real-live-time is more rewarding. Conversations are richer, and I don't feel like we're just recapping on what I've seen on computer. It's nice. So what have I been up to you ask? ~Not sleeping. Yep, that's right! The fairy on insomnia has taken a poop on my ability to sleep in anymore. I wake up and suddenly am overcome with thoughts, ideas, music ect, it's very similar to that stain commercial where you can't hear what the guy is saying because of the dflksdhjfsdkfhsluifhflj gibberish going on in the background. This is not a new thing however. I have crossed paths with this poop fairy before, but it was when I was working shift work, messing up my circadian rhythm and delving into a major depression.
.....But I don't work shift work I depressed?
Generally I am happy with everything in my life at this moment. Granted, there are some major things going on, but none that would constitute a depressive episode.
Solution: I'm not being creative enough. This month I will make something. I don't know what. But I promise by next post, you will see something.

Running.......I reached the 300+km mark on my old shoes, I got new ones. I haven't quite had the chance to try them out due to some sickness that has been circulating the household but soon. Not to mention it's bloody cold outside and I refuse to run on a hamster wheel.
Yoga......So far every Tuesday has been dedicated to R&B Yoga with Dawn at Lion's Breath Yoga. The reason why I keep going is I am WAY more chilled out. I think more clearly, and the bearer of bad moods knocks less at my door these days. Yoga chills people out. I think less (when I'm freshly yoga'd), I stress less, and I don't care as much about the petty things- until the weekend. Then I am up at 7, like this morning, contemplating what I should do with my new-found time-even though I have a hangover, my mouth is super dry from mouth breathing all night, my stomach is killing me, AND I AM NOT SLEEPING RIGHT NOW> GAH!
Solution: More yoga. The world would be less stressful if everyone did it. But, I am only responsible for my own actions. People would not only be more chill, but happier, healthier, and more bendy. Already Ryan and I are noticing the benefits of going every week not only in our relationship, but physically. I can proudly say that I am able to not only do a headstand- and invert my whole body without the aid of a wall, but I am starting to master the handstand. Tonight we get to try acro-yoga in a couples workshop for Valentine's day. This sounds potentially dangerous but I have a feeling we will be able to add something cool to our list of couple awesomeness.

In the past six months, I have seen 3 married relationships end in divorce. I'm not getting into details of any of them as this would be completely ill-mannered and rude. What I am going to ask is what makes marriage so appealing?
Is it because it might be the right thing to do in this stage of life? It is because things are good and not being with the person would indeed not be as fun? Is it because your friends are doing it?
I ask you, 3 readers, to please send me answers. 
Adult relationships are way less fun then the childhood friendships, at least, in my opinion. Of course there was always some sort of recess drama, but you knew that given the attention span of these growing individuals, time will pass and the dust will settle. Life will go on and friendships will remain. As adults though, I am finding too many grudges, too much passive aggressiveness, and way, way to much drama. I was speaking with a gentleman who just turned 98. He drives, he works (still! out of choice!), he lives at home, and he doesn't hold grudges. Being a Nurse, the majority of my time at work is spent advising people on what to do with themselves so they don't end up dead. I had no advice for this man. I sat there, and made life notes on what he was telling me as if they were answers to tomorrow's big exam.

Don't hold Grudges, take care of each other, and tell people how you really feel, they can take it.

As for mending broken hearts- I am here for you, know that. I've walked this road, and it's a little darker than the previous ones. But know that I am here to talk, to not talk, to tell you pretty things as well as the ugly ones. Hang in there. It might not get better all at once, but at least the memories fade.

les quatre

I'm just going to say it- wedding planning is for the birds. I'm not getting married anytime soon, however, there has been talk of it as of late.
Sure, getting into a pretty white dress, and sealing the deal with your best friend is a beautiful thought, however, it's not that simple. Let me first clarify that I am talking about weddings, not marriages, and certainly not the sacrament. You're probably thinking that my disdain of wedding planning arose from my previous experience in a past relationship. Not entirely. Ever since I could remember, I have always thought that weddings are so overdone. Just like funerals, there is an industry that works on purely on our emotions in order to gain profit. So much money, so many rules and so much drama all in one day! It was my previous experience that taught me not to sweat the small stuff ever again. I'm not saying I won't have a wedding. But I honestly believe that weddings are not for the bride and groom- they're for everyone else. What matters to me is the promise- that God brought you two together, and its up to you to keep it that way. The rest is all temporary and rented. So why spend so much stress, fights, drama, and money on it? No wonder people elope.


Lent- for those of you who aren't catholic, Lent is a forty-day period before Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday, 22 February 2012 and ends on 7 April 2012, which is the day before Easter. It is more than just giving up something for 40 days. I see it as a cleanse for the soul. 
This year's lent is: No processed foods of any kind. This is going to be really hard, but if Jesus can fast in the desert, I can go without processed junk. Not to mention the health benefits. Good for the body and good for the soul. I'll keep you posted throughout of course with food blogworthy photos. Now, if only I could give up insomnia and worrying....